
Thomas, E., Wilson, D., Kathuni, S., Libey A., Chintalpati, P., Coyle, J. “A contribution to drought resilience in East Africa through groundwater pump management informed by ensemble machine learning, in-situ instrumentation and remote sensing”, Science of The Total Environment, 2021.

Thomas, E., Brown, J., “Using Feedback to Improve Accountability in Global Environmental Health and Engineering, Environmental Science and Technology, 2020.

Thomas, E., et al., The Drought Resilience Impact Platform (DRIP): Improving Water Security Through Actionable Water Management Insights, Frontiers in Climate, V2. A6. 2020.

Iribagiza, C., Sharpe, T., Wilson, D. Thomas, E., User-centered design of an air quality feedback technology to promote adoption of clean cookstoves. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 30, 925–936 (2020).

Anna Libey, Marieke Adank, Evan Thomas, Who pays for water? Comparing life cycle costs of water services among several low, medium and high-income utilities, World Development, Volume 136, 2020, 105155, ISSN 0305-750X,

Bedell, E.; Sharpe, T.; Purvis, T.; Brown, J.; Thomas, E. Demonstration of Tryptophan-Like Fluorescence Sensor Concepts for Fecal Exposure Detection in Drinking Water in Remote and Resource Constrained SettingsSustainability 2020, 12, 3768.

Evan Thomas, Elizabeth Jordan, Karl Linden, Beshah Mogesse, Tamene Hailu, Hussein Jirma, Patrick Thomson, Johanna Koehler, Greg Collins, Reducing drought emergencies in the Horn of Africa, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 727, 2020, 138772, ISSN 0048-9697,

Nick Turman-Bryant, Taylor Sharpe, Corey Nagel, Lauren Stover, Evan A. Thomas, Toilet alarms: A novel application of latrine sensors and machine learning for optimizing sanitation services in informal settlements, Development Engineering, Volume 5, 2020, 100052, ISSN 2352-7285,

Frederick G. B. Goddard, Radu Ban, Dana Boyd Barr, Joe Brown, Jennifer Cannon, John M. Colford, Joseph N. S. Eisenberg, Ayse Ercumen, Helen Petach, Matthew C. Freeman, Karen Levy, Stephen P. Luby, Christine Moe, Amy J. Pickering, Jeremy A. Sarnat, Jill Stewart, Evan Thomas, Mami Taniuchi, and Thomas Clasen, “Measuring Environmental Exposure to Enteric Pathogens in Low-Income Settings: Review and Recommendations of an Interdisciplinary Working Group”, Environmental Science & Technology 2020 54 (19), 11673-11691 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c02421

Thomas, E., Needoba, J., Kaberia, D., Butterworth, J., Adams, E., Oduor, P., Macharia, D., Mitheu, F., Mugo, R., Nagel, C. "Quantifying increased groundwater demand from prolonged drought in the East African Rift Valley," Science of the Total Environment, v. 666, p 1265-1272. 2019

Turman-Bryant, N., Nagel, C., Stover, L., Muragijimana, C., Thomas, E., "Improved Drought Resilience Through Continuous Water Service Monitoring and Specialized Institutions—A Longitudinal Analysis of Water Service Delivery Across Motorized Boreholes in Northern Kenya,"  Sustainability, 11(11), 2019.

Anderson, D., Thomas, E., Clasen, T., “Quantifying averted disability adjusted life years as a performance indicator for water quality interventions: A review of current methodologies and challenges,” Water, 2018.

Turman-Bryant, N., Fankhauser, K., Clasen, T., Thomas, E., “Measuring Progress Toward Sanitation and Hygiene Targets,” Waterlines, 2018.

Andres, L., Borja-Vega, C., Thomas, E., “Using On-site and Remote Sensing Technologies to Monitor Water and Sanitation Use and Interventions”, Water, 2018.

Wilson, D., Coyle, J., Thomas, E., “Ensemble Machine Learning and Forecasting Can Achieve 99% Uptime for Rural Handpumps,” PloS ONE,, 2017.

Delea, M., Nagel, C., Thomas E., Halder, A., Amin, N., Shoab, A., Freeman, M., Unicomb, L., Clasen, T., “Comparison of respondent-reported and sensor-recorded latrine utilization measures in rural Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study,” Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2017.

Bedell, E., Leslie, M., Fankhauser, K., Burnett, J., Wing, M., Thomas, E., “"Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based Structure from Motion Biomass Inventory Estimates." Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11(2), 2017.

Thomas, E., Beyond Broken Pumps and Promises: Rethinking Intent and Impact in Environmental Health, Journal of Energy Research and Social Science, v25 pp 33-36, 2017.

Snoad, C., Nagel, C., Bhattacharya, A., Thomas, E. “The effectiveness of sanitary inspections as a risk assessment tool for faecal contamination of rural drinking water: A review of data from West Bengal India,” American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0322, 2017.

Thomas, E., Tellez-Sanchez, S., Wick, C., Kirby, M., Zambrano, L., Rosa, G., Clasen, T., Nagel, C., "Behavioral Reactivity Associated with Electronic Monitoring of Environmental Health Interventions - A Cluster Randomized Trial with Water Filters and Cookstoves," Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b00161, 2016.

Sinha, A., Nagel, C., Thomas, E., Schmidt, W., Torondel, B., Boisson, S., Clasen, T., “Assessing Latrine Use in Rural India: A Cross-Sectional Study Comparing Reported Use and Passive Latrine Use Monitors,” American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 95(3), doi:10.4269/ajtmh.16-0102. 2016.

Nagel, C., Beach, J., Iribagiza, C., Thomas, E., “Evaluating Cellular Instrumentation on Rural Handpumps to Improve Service Delivery – A Longitudinal Cohort Study in Rural Rwanda,” Environmental Science and Technology (49) 24 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04077, 2015.

Kipf, A., Brunette, W., Kellerstrass, J., Podolsky, M., Rosa, J., Sundt, M., Wilson, D., Borriello, G., Brewer, E., Thomas, E., “A Proposed Integrated Data Collection, Analysis and Sharing Platform for Global Development,” Journal of Development Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.deveng.2015.12.002, 2015.

O’Reilly, K., Louis, E., Thomas, E., Sinha, A., “Combining Remote Monitoring and Ethnography to Estimate Household Latrine Usage in Rural India,” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, (5), 3, doi: 10.2166/washdev.2015.155, 2015.

Thomas, E., Barstow, C., Rosa, G., Majorin, F., Clasen, T., “Use of Remotely Reporting Electronic Sensors for Assessing Use of Water Filters and Cookstoves in Rwanda,” Environmental Science and Technology, 2013. DOI: 10.1021/es403412x.

Thomas, E., Zumr, Z., Barstow, C., Fleming, M., Spiller, K., Remotely accessible and reconfigurable in-situ instrumentation to improve monitoring of global development interventions, Sustainability, August 2, 2013.

Thomas, E., Measuring Sustainability, Solutions Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 41-44, 2012.


Neff, J., Whiting, G., Thomas, E., An Integrated System for the Detection and Monitoring of Soil Carbon Sequestration, US Patent Pending US Serial No. 63/263,444.

Bedell, E., Fankhauser, K., Sharpe, T., Wilson D., Thomas, E., Alarm Threshold Microbial Fluorimeter and Methods, US Patent 11,506,606 B2. Issued November 22, 2022.

Wilson, D., Coyle, J., Thomas., E., Croshere, S., Machine Learning Techniques for Improved Water Service Delivery, US Patent 11,507,861 B2. Issued November 22, 2022.

Fleming, M., Spiller, K., Thomas, E., System and Methods for Operating a Microcomputer in Sleep-Mode and Awake-Mode with Low Power Event Processing, United States Patent US 10,564,701. Issued Feb. 18, 2020.

Thomas, E, Fleming, M., Distributed low-power monitoring system, United States Patent US 9,077,783 B2, Issued July 7, 2015.